The construction on the parsonage here in Lincoln, Arkansas is going very well! It's fun to see the everyday progress and to see the excitement of the church and the Pastor's family. The first floor walls are done and they're finishing up the second floor walls. They're hoping to put up the tresses on Saturday and then work on the inside. Caleb is itching to get some plumbing done! He's excited to get to that part.
Last Sunday I found out that the ladies from our church back home were going to a Ladies Retreat in OKC. I have missed the last couple retreats and I wasn't able to go to camp, so this was something that I really wanted to do! When I found out Mrs. Moody was going to be a speaker, a little plan was formed in my head. Caleb called Bro. Moody and they said they would be able to pick me up in Tulsa (a little under 2 hours from Lincoln) and Andrea (my Sister in Law) said she would be able to take me back to Tulsa on Saturday. So I had a ride there and back, I just needed the money! We figured I would need about $50. to pay for the registration, meals and gas. All week I prayed and prayed, just knowing that God would provide. On Friday morning (we would have to leave at 11am to make it to Tulsa in time to meet the Moodys) Caleb called our church to see if any support or money had come in. Pastor said I was clear to go, that the money had been provided!! Praise the Lord! I knew He would come through! So I was able to go and I had a wonderful time. It was so fun to be around my church sisters and goof off, talk, cry, and fellowship. I miss my church family when we're gone and it was nice to see them more than just at church.
It is cold and rainy here in the Ozarks. Please pray for the health of our family and the men in the group. It seems like a sickness is starting to go around because of the cold and rain and we don't want anyone else to get sick! Thank you for your love and prayers, God is so good to us, better than we deserve!