Sunday, October 26, 2008

Big News!

I thought this deserved its own post! I'm pregnant!! I'm probably about a month along, maybe a little more. Which means I'm probably due around June. We're pretty excited and the kids are ecstatic!! Noah wants a boy and the girls want another girl. We're hoping for a boy. Please pray for me though, I am incredibly sick, all the time. Especially in the morning, I can barely get out of bed and I am in a constant state of sickness. I choke down food, but everything makes me sick. I'm pretty good in the afternoons, but I'm sick all day. And plus, I'm always hungry, which isn't helping. I can't get enough food it seems like. I try to drink water and drinks instead, but too much liquid makes me even more sick! So that doesn't always work. Please just pray for me, especially with all the traveling we do. And especially on Sunday mornings. It's really hard to be so sick and yet go to church and meet people, and be polite! I just want to lay down and groan, so it's hard to talk to people and be involved. I appreciate your prayers!!!


The Welch Family said...

Congratulations!!! We will be praying for you. Hope you start to feel better soon.
Sounds like you guys have been having lots of fun. May God continue to Bless your travels and your family.

The Welch's

The Yancey's said...

Congratulations Laura!! I will be praying for you!!!!!

DaCatster said...

O Honey, that is SOOOOOOO Great