Monday, January 11, 2010

A New Year!

The new year is upon us, and I can't believe 2009 is already gone! So much happened last year, it's fun to remember what we were doing exactly one year ago. We were getting ready for our third leg of deputation into the southwest, I was just getting over my pregnancy sickness and starting to enjoy pregnancy, and the kids were turning into real missionary brats!!
This year we are still in Russelville, Arkansas. The worked has slowed while the Pastor has to wait for money commitments to be fulfilled. The building is starting to look more like a church and with more families back from Christmas vacation, things are really going to start shaping up!
With this new year we are going to get down and get serious about school. At the end of Fall doing school with the kids was kind of sprung on me, so we ended playing catch-up until the end of the year. We've finally gotten caught up and now we're going to start fresh. Lela has been asking and begging to do school so I got her a Preschool workbook and I'm going to start teaching her. If anyone has any advice on how to teach a 2nd grader, Kindergartener and Preschooler all at the same time, plus watch a crawling 7-month old, I would love to hear it! I'm thinking we'll have to do the girls in the morning and Noah in the afternoon, but that's as far as I can think.
We're back in Oklahoma for this week so we can get our taxes done and go to the Heartland Home Missions Conference. We're ready for an exciting week of preaching, seeing old friends, and maybe raising some money or support!
Thank you for your prayers and support, we are thankful for everything God is able to do for us and through us! Leave a comment if you can, we'd love to hear some feedback from those few that might read this!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I always read your's great to hear how God is using your family. Love you guys and hope next time your up this way we can get together!