On September 15th we started our trek from Sioux Falls, South Dakota to Washington State. We had a great time driving across South Dakota, although it seemed like we were never going to get to Rapid City! Our goal was to make it to Rapid City and camp by Mt. Rushmore that night. We saw many strange sights while driving across the prairie. We saw roadblocks that were actually bales of hay, we got a good laugh out of that. There were many strange sculptures on the side of the road, and a lot of motorcyclers! Caleb saw a sign that he thought was really fun, it said "Discount car toes". We were wondering what car toes were, until we realized they meant "tows". It was even more funny when we saw the same sign several times with the same spelling mistake. We made the obligatory stop at Wall Drug and walked around for a while, we even got sodas at the historical soda fountain. We finally made it to Rapid City at about 6 pm mountain time. We were saved by the time change! We were on the road for 9 hours, but we were able to pretend it was only 8 because of the time change. We found a Walmart, got some food, and then set up camp at a KOA camp. The kids had a great time camping and we made smores and had cowboy beans, campfire style!
The next day we went to Mt. Rushmore and we were overwhelmed! I had been there as a kid, but Caleb and the kids have never been there. I forgot how majestic and looming the Mount is. I couldn't stop staring at Washington because he looked so noble and wise up there. Noah has been wanting to see Mt. Rushmore for a long time, and he was overwhelmed, I could tell. He told me later that he didn't know it would be so huge, or that we'd be so close. He also said they looked so real, he thought he saw one of the heads move! Kids are so funny. We had a great time and Kayla even got to see some mountain goats up close and personal.
After Mt. Rushmore we drove through Wyoming and stopped to camp in Billings. We probably could've gone a little further but we didn't want to be stuck with no camping spot, so we stopped there. Montana was just gorgeous and we camped right on the Yellowstone River. It was a lot colder there than in South Dakota, though! We were all shivering in the morning until we got loaded up and in the van. That day we drove through Montana and ended up in St. Maries, Id.
Our plan was to make it to Spokane, but that was just not going to happen! At about 4pm we were still in Montana with little to no money and nowhere to spend the night. Caleb called around to a c
That next day we had a short drive to Caleb's brother Josh's house in Grandview, Washington. We made it there in the early afternoon and the kids had a fantastic time getting to know their cousins, Sean and Olivia. We stayed there a couple days and had a good time with Josh, Rochelle and the kids. It was nice to just hang out and not have to be anywhere or do anything!
On Saturday, the 20th, we traveled to Fircrest, Washington which is a suburb of Seattle/Tacoma. We decided not to take the trailer and to just shove our essentials in the van, and I was thankful! We had to drive through the mountains, with high traffic, during a heavy rainfall! Thankfully the kids slept most of the way so Caleb could concentrate on the road. We stopped at an outlet mall and I was FINALLY able to find a new jean skirt! I've been looking for one for several months. And Praise the Lord, it was on sale!! We were late getting to Seattle, so we went straight to the Pastor's house instead of going to the hotel first.
We had suc
Right now we're in Tenino, Wa staying in a Missions Apartment here. We will be presenting at the church on Sunday, and they are gracious enough to let us use their apartment for a few days. On Monday we'll be going back to Josh and Rochelle's house and basing out of there. I'll try to update this when I can, whenever we have internet. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and thanks for your prayers and support!
Wow how fun laura!! I wish I could travel around again like we use to when we were younger. What a blessing that you got a GPS and a place to stay every night! I will keep reading this so let me know whenever you put a new one up! Love you all!
I pray that you have a safe trip.
I love the northwest -- I'm jealous -- I wish I could be taking a car trip across all that area -- I love it!! We did it several times growing up -- going to see my Uncle Dan and family. Also, it sounds like the Lord is truly blessing so that is awesome also. We're praying for you guys and I'm excited to keep up with you on blogger!
Hi Carter family! The Welch's are following your blog now. Keep posting and make sure to always include pictures. :)
Much love to your family
--Barry & Meg
Wow!! That is so exciting to see what God is doing. When you said Caleb was jumping up and down I could actually see him doing that. lol..
God Bless and look forward to more updates.
I took that trek last summer, Rapid City, Black Hills, even wall drug. It was fun, but boring drive.
God Bless you on your ventures.
sounds fun i have not seen any pictures of your favorite stay in ORegon aunt laura
ps just for fun!
i love the pictures they are funny!
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