We had a really good time with Nate and Tresa Scholz in Florissant, CO. I was really dizzy and a little sick the whole time, probably because of the altitude. It was great to catch up and see old friends!
After we left there we went to Garden of the Gods on our way to Pueblo, CO. Noah and Kayla had a blast climbing on everything while Lela and I watched! Lela isn't much of a climber so she was content to stay with mommy. Caleb took Noah and Kayla on lots of trails and hikes and they had a good time!
We stayed in Pueblo, CO for a few days in a Missions Apartment NTCP, USA had helped build, so that was neat. After that we left for an 11 hour drive to Page, Arizona. This is where it gets interesting! On the wa

y there we found out the church was giving us an "authentic" Navajo meal, including Mutton. The church is on a reservation and the Pastor wants to turn it over to a Navajo Pastor in a few years. They came early on Saturday, slaughtered the sheep, cut it all up and then grilled it! I was doing school with Noah so unfortunately I couldn't watch! But Caleb had a good time taking pictures. The kids got to see them take the wool off and then Noah watched them cut the meat up, they thought it was pretty neat. The made a dish called "konan" with the intestines, onions and peppers. I braved it and ate it and it was delicious! Although I don't know if I would try it again. The grilled meat, or mutton, was tough since it was an old sheep, but it was still fun to try it and it was nice of the people to do that for us. The church was so nice the whole time we were there and such a blessing!

Page, Arizona is at the top of the Grand Canyon so we went to Glen Canyon and the dam. It was fun and the kids had a good time climbing and seeing it. It made us really want to see the Grand Canyon! I wish I could post more pictures but they'd take up too much room and I haven't messed with this blog enough to figure out how to get a picture display thing on it. Maybe someone can help me? I have a Facebook where I post most of our pics. I haven't uploaded photos from the Grand Canyon yet and we went to Carlsbad Caverns today so I'll write a post about those places when I get the pics up.
I wanted to do an update about my pregnancy. I could complain about the baby being low, my hips and pelvis constantly throbbing, but in all honesty, I am having a great pregnancy now that I'm over being sick! I have a friend who had a uterine tear and has been on bed rest her whole pregnancy; another

friend who is having twins and is miserable; another one who is still sick constantly even though she's 7 months along; and two other friends who have gestational diabetes. I have been so blessed with this pregnancy, I can't complain about anything! I'm not sick anymore, I don't sleep well because of different beds and hip pain but that's not bad, I can eat whatever I want, I haven't gained very much weight, and I can climb canyons and explore caves! I'm doing pretty well. We don't know what the baby is yet. I will probably have an ultrasound in April but then the baby might be too big and squished to see what it is, we'll see. I've learned to let it go and trust God. He knows what it is, He knows that we need clothes, a car seat, burp clothes, blankets, pacis, diapers, wipes and pretty much everything you would need for a baby, and He knows when I'm going to have this baby. So I'm just enjoying being pregnant and doing fun things with my family, and He'll provide what we need! Thanks to everyone who has asked how I've been. If you want to pray that I'll get some relief from this back pain, I'd appreciate it. But God's good! All the time!
I love reading your blogs. I have been SO bad at doing mine lately -- I need to get back to it. Anyways, you wanted to know how to make a slide show -- just go to slide.com and you can make one there -- it is really easy and then it gives you a url address to upload onto your blog. You can go on my blog and click on the slide show and it will take you to slide.com!
Thanks, I'll try that!
I'm not sure if you've tried it yet or not but I know chiropractors can treat pregnant women for their back pain and some massage therapists can also give massages. Just thought it might help.
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